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Bismuth Chromite, 3Bi2O3.2Cr2O3

Bismuth Chromite, 3Bi2O3.2Cr2O3, is prepared by heating bismuth oxychloride with chromium trioxide and water for several hours. It is a brown powder which is insoluble in water, in acids (including aqua regia) and in alkalis.

Many chromates and dichromates of bismuth have from time to time been described, but all except two are probably mixtures. These two compounds may be obtained by the action of chromic acid upon bismuth trioxide. If the concentration of the acid exceeds 7.8 moles per litre the substance Bi2O3.4CrO3 is obtained as a stable salt; if the concentration falls below that figure, this salt is hydrolysed and the substance Bi2O3.2CrO3 is obtained. The former is an orange-scarlet powder and is perhaps a mixed dichromate and chromate, Bi2Cr2O7(CrO4)2; the latter is a basic salt, and is obtained as an orange- yellow powder. It may also be prepared by the action of potassium chromate or dichromate on a nearly neutral solution of bismuth nitrate.

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